Vision and Mission
“Education of Human Power for Technological Excellence”
- Dissemination of knowledge by offering world class education
- Right to information for all stake holders
- Promotion of sustainable industrialization to development of appropriate technologies
- Continuing education programs for reengineering of regional socio economic system in the light of dynamic, global technological changes
- Contribution to national wealth through innovation
Long range Goals:
- Strive for center of excellence in all disciplines of the institute
- Create conducive environment for top class education, research, development and extension
- Develop collaborative arrangements with premier institutions in India and abroad
- Become a world class role model institute to attract international faculty and students
- Intervene for sustainable development of the region and improvement in quality of life
Short range Goals:
- To strive for quality teaching, research and extension services
- To achieve overall development of students and society
- To incorporate flexibility in curriculum design
- To adopt dynamic students evaluation system
- To introduce regional need based courses
- To make the system responsive for maintaining the time schedule
- To develop strong relations with industries, institutes and society
- To nurture industrial development based on regional resources
- To create, preserve and disseminate technical knowledge
- To promote competitive merit and excellence as the sole guiding criterion in overall development of students
- To uplift the society by addressing the local and regional technical needs