IIIT Hyderabad and Intel had organized National Level Semantic Segmentation Challenge for Indian Driving Dataset(IDD) as a part of NCVPRIPG19. Performance on unknown test data was evaluated by submitting results to their online server. Teams from IITs and several other universities participated in the challenge. Two teams under the guidance of Dr. Sanjay Talbar participated with development of Deep Learning based algorithms. Team 1 with members Shubham Innani and Bhakti Baheti won 1st prize and Team 2 with members Romil Lodaya, Prasad Dutande and Ujjwal Baid achieved 4th. Monetary prize of 10k is awarded to Team 1 by Prof. P. K. Biswas, IIT Kharagpur. Also, all 6 members received Travel Grant to participate in NCVPRIPG19.